Invited Speakers

The epoch of the first quasars in cosmological simulations

Tiziana Di Matteo

McWilliams Center for Cosmology
Carnegie Mellon University

The obscured and unobscured environment of high-z quasars

Cristina García-Vergara

Leiden Observatory

Black hole formation, evolution, and environment at high redshift

Melanie Habouzit

Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie (MPIA)

Cold gas and dust in star-forming galaxies at high redshift 

Rodrigo Herrera-Camus

Department of Astronomy
Universidad de Concepción

Do quasars care about the environment?

Roderik Overzier

Observatorio Nacional de Rio de Janeiro

Probing reionization and galaxy formation with the most distant galaxies

Laura Pentericci

Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma

The discovery and study of high-redshift quasars with the survey facilities of the 2020’s

Michael Strauss

Department of Astrophysical Sciences
Princeton University

Probing the most distant quasars and their environments with current and upcoming facilities

Feige Wang

Steward Observatory
University of Arizona